Euterpe: Music Database
Welcome to Euterpe, named after the Greek muse of music! This music database offers a range of functionalities across 8 main pages, each tailored to enhance the user’s music exploration experience:
- Home Page: Displays top artists and highest-rated songs.
- Artist Page: Profiles five unique artists.
- Albums Page: Showcases five albums by each artist.
- Songs Page: Contains all songs from a selected album.
- About Page: Provides insights into the creators behind the platform.
- Artist Spotlight Page: Features temporary storage for user-entered ratings and includes a countdown timer to an upcoming album/song release (set to default at May 2023).
- Search Page: Utilizes the iTunes API, enabling song previews based on user-entered queries. It allows filtering by song duration and explicitness, displaying track names, artist names, and album posters.
- Playlist Page: Stores a non-redundant list of songs persistently. Additionally, it allows users to remove selected songs with ease.
Key Features:
- Navigation and Footer: Consistent throughout the database.
- Interactive Features: Incorporates zoom, temporary storage, click events, and more, implemented through JavaScript.
- Aesthetics: Enhanced aesthetics achieved using CSS.
- Persistence: Implemented SQL for persistent data storage.
Setup Instructions:
To ensure proper functionality, follow these steps in the directory of the files:
chmod +x
pip install flask
pip install flask_sqlalchemy